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Saturday, December 19, 2015

2010 Haute Pierre Châteauneuf-du-Pape

Great wine by one of my favorite producers. I like Rhône wines, they are the best reds I know. I like Delas, never had Delas wine I didn't like. 2010 was, in my opinion, one of the best years in Rhône wine region. And, of course, Châteauneuf-du-Pape is my favorite wine. Adding all that together...
I was scared when opened the bottle and tasted it. It was rough. Poured through the aerator. Better, but tastes like ordinary Rhône wine, not what I expected. But then... With every sip, it was better. On the second glass, it became great. Lesson to myself: always open a bottle of Châteauneuf-du-Pape at least half an hour before you drink it. An hour would be better.
It has that specific nose and taste you won't confuse with anything. Only Châteauneuf-du-Pape has that wonderful nose of chocolate, old leather, cherry, a hint of tobacco. Only this great wine has this smoothness (again, wait half an hour after opening a bottle!). Careful, it has 14% alcohol by volume, effect is quite strong, but very pleasant.
The best pairing for Rhône wines is venison. And vice versa. But it's a great wine for any meat. I had it with veal and mushroom dish today and can't imagine better wine with it. It's probably too intensive for fish, although might go well with smoked salmon.
It's expensive. I can't afford $40 wine often. But it worth every penny.

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