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Monday, July 22, 2024

2021 Essentielle

 Decent Côtes du Rhône. Nice bouquet, with strong chokeberry note. Chokeberry in the taste as well. Could be better if it had less sugar. 

Was good with ham and cheese pizza.

2023 Chiaretto di Bardolino Rose

 Crisp, dry, citrucy, spicy. All you want from Italian Rosé! Found it at Aldi's, Very strong citrus taste, a bit spicy. Very dry, didn't feel much sugar.

Enjoyed it with seafood paella.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

2021 Puy d'Amore Coup de Fudre


Wonderful Bordeaux. Absolute classic. Powerful black currant in the nose and taste, great aftertaste. Aerator noticeably improve taste. There is already some sediment in the bottle, probably wine is already mature and won't last long in the cellar.

Enjoyed it with grilled tuna.

Friday, July 12, 2024

2023 Cabriz Rosé

 I liked red Cabriz, will write about it later. This Rosé one is exceptional. Light blush color, honey and grasses in the nose, honey, grasses and spices in the taste.

Enjoyed it with grilled shrimp pizza.

Monday, July 8, 2024

2020 Château Haut Grela

 The best Bordeaux I tasted lately!. Classic, with powerful black currant in the nose and taste. But what makes it different is a hint of cherry. Great aftertaste. Aerator improves taste noticeably.

Enjoyed it with grilled tuna.

Friday, July 5, 2024

2020 Château Ferreyres

 Classic Bordeaux. Powerful black currant in the nose and taste., some spices. Some strange note right after opening the bottle, but it disappeared after aerator. Became even better after spending some time in the opened bottle.

Enjoyed it with ham and mushrooms pizza.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

2021 Citran

 Good, classic Bordeaux. Powerful black currant in the nose and taste. A bit harsh, but aerator takes care of that. Aftertaste is a bit weak. Anyway, I'm going to buy more.

Was very good with grilled tuna.