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Monday, June 26, 2023

2016 Rivallana

 Very good Rioja. I don't remember how long it was sitting in my cellar. Probably not in stores anymore. Powerful, with multiple berries in the taste, almost no sugar. Exactly what you want in Rioja.

Enjoyed it with sous vide lamb, finished on grille.

2019 Pertaringa

 Long time since I tasted any Australian wine. This one is great! Cabernet Sauvignon, powerful note of red currant in the taste, with notes of black currant and raspberry. Almost no sugar.

Enjoyed it with sous vide tuna.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

2021 Doña Paula Estate Blue Edition


Another masterpiece from Argentina. Malbec. Complex taste, in which you can feel a mix of berries. A bit of sugar, but it doesn't feel bad. A lot of tannings. Very well balanced.

Enjoyed it with sous vide tuna, finished on a grill.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

2022 Olivier Sumeire Côtes de Provence (Kirkland)

 At last Costco printed the name of the producer on a bottle. Enjoying it for several year. Wonderful Rosé from Provence. Everything you expect: honey, spices, grass, citrus. Very well balanced.

Enjoyed it with grilled miso ono.